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Member Registration

If you are familiar with our policies and just need to re-enroll you can do it here.

We strive to serve our members to the best of our ability.
Please take the time to read through our Guidelines and Policies before registering, so that you can be sure AliYah Academy is a good fit for your family.

**updated Jan 2025 (always refresh this page to make sure you have the most up to date version)**


Guidelines and Policy

The Goal of a Scripture Based Education is to assist children in acquiring wisdom and godly character. Specifically parents, teachers, and administrators should endeavor to see that all children "increase in wisdom and stature, and in favor with Elohim/God and man." (Luke 2:52)


AliYah Academy is a Category IV Church-Related School. We are registered with the Tennessee Department of Education and members of the Tennessee Association of Church Related Schools, Home School Legal Defense Association, and the Smokey Mountain Home Educators Association. Registering with AliYah Academy will fulfill your legal requirement to register in the state of Tennessee. We will take care of notifying your county and you will not be required to take state testing.


“…parents may home school their own children by registering with a church-related "umbrella" school defined by Tennessee Code Annotated § 49-50-801…. an Intent to Home School form is not required for students who enrolled in a church-related school. The church-related school will determine record keeping and test requirements for students enrolled in an umbrella program.”


We do provide service for families in other states and families living outside of the country. Homeschool laws differ from state to state; it is your responsibility to make sure you are fulfilling the laws for your state or country. We are happy to help you find and understand the laws for your state.


Qualifications of Teachers


    Teachers should be of good moral character, and should be able to demonstrate both a general competence in the subjects that they teach and an attitude of patience and compassion towards their students. Parents who choose to take direct responsibility for any part of their children's education are presumed to be competent and aware of their own gifts and limitations. Educational diplomas and/or professional certification by itself do neither qualify nor disqualify any individual or teacher. Parents are also encouraged to seek assistance and guidance from our advisors, special needs consultant or administrators whenever they feel necessary. A parent or guardian is required to be responsible for a student’s schooling and grades; therefore, we do not accept memberships from students even if said student is 18 years of age.  Your student may be an independent learner however if you are choosing to homeschool you as the parent are responsible for overseeing your child’s education. A child cannot homeschool them self, you need to provide guidance and instruction.

Parents should agree or come to an agreement about homeschooling before enrolling. If this could be an issue or if you are a single parent, please read this letter.


 Academic Curriculum and Evaluation


   AliYah Academy does not provide or dictate curriculum choices; you are responsible for picking and overseeing your child’s curriculum. We are here to counsel and advise you on your selection. Please check our website for recommended resources and we are always here to answer questions.


   In cases where students are not making adequate academic progress we recommend seeking wise counsel. We are here to help you; our staff has a variety of experience in homeschooling. We also have a Special Needs Consultant available to you. We can provide you with various alternative modes that may help your child be more successful with his/her education. Ultimately, the overall well-being of your child is what should be considered most important and the decisions will be up to you, as the parent, you are responsible for raising your child up in the Way.


If for any reason we deem it necessary, we reserve the right to review students' progress or work.


We encourage you to take advantage of outside co-ops, classes, support groups and/or tutoring whenever it contributes to the positive over all well-being and education of your child.  You, the parent or guardian are responsible for choices in your child’s education and reporting those grades to us.


Permanent Records


   AliYah Academy will keep permanent records on each student enrolled, in order to document their educational accomplishments and to facilitate your student's pursuit of other future educational opportunities. AliYah Academy requires that you send each student’s courses at the start of the school year and grades twice per year; Mid-year by Jan. 1st and End of the year by June 1st (Seniors submit by May 1st). You may also school year round, but must still enter grades where ever you are in your studies, at these times.




   By statute, Tennessee requires that "Church-related schools shall be conducted for the same length of term as public schools."  TCA 49-50-801 (C).  It is required that you “school” at least 180 days, 6.5 hours a day is an average, in public school this includes recess, lunch, changing classes, interruptions, etc... this is the guideline for your students. We understand as a homeschooler your school may be hands-on and not always at a desk or in a book, much can be done alongside you during the day. It would be very hard for a homeschooler to not get the required attendance.  The number of hours per day may vary depending on the academic program, grade level and the varying needs of your student. Keep track of attendance by checking days in a planner, on a calendar, or even in the student’s books and report that to us only twice a year with your grades.

You can print this Attendance Form for your records if you are in FL or another state that requires it, you need to upload this on your account under files at the end of the year or for any student who withdraws mid-school year.


High School


As a homeschooling parent you know your child’s interests, strengths and goals for their future. As you are helping them plan their courses for High School we encourage you to choose courses that align with these future goals. AliYah Academy requires a minimum of 22 credits to graduate while fulfilling certain course credits. Please see the High School page for resources specific to High School and requirements for graduation.

All students graduate at the same time at the end of May of that year and you will need to request that from your account. Upon Graduation a student will be issued an official Tennessee High School Diploma from AliYah Academy, a school transcript for your records and 2 official sealed and notarized school transcripts to be given to any school of further education if needed. At any time in the future an official transcript can be requested to be sent anywhere for a minimal charge.


We do not encourage early graduation because we believe most young adults benefit from the additional time under their parents guidance which enables them to be better prepared for adulthood. However in the case that the parent sees it in the best interest of their child we do allow it if the child is at least 16 years old with a minimum of 3 years in High School and all High School level credit requirements reached on a "traditional" college path. *There may be exceptions for students who will graduate after age 19.


Students up to age 21, by Aug 15th of the school year, may be registered in school. This is usually for the purpose of special needs.


Regarding Seniors


Students in 11th or 12th grade who are transferring from a traditional public or private school will be accepted on a case by case basis, please contact the school before registering. In most cases, a course plan will be required such as an online program to help with the transition to homeschooling. We recommend Monarch on our resource page for an online option. This does not include previously homeschooled students.

A senior fee and transcript fees will be applied when registering.​




We have online registration and record keeping. You will need an email address that is not shared with another AliYah Academy member. Most emails are free and easy to set up.


Our fees are as follows:  $75 for the first student; $25 each additional student to a maximum of $150 for a family of 4 or more. We do not have late.

A Senior fee of $85 will be added to registration when registering in 12th grade. This fee will be charged again if student is graduating after summer or continuing on for a 5th Super Senior year.

A transcript fee will be added to new students entering in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade of $25 per high school year that the student was not with AliYah Academy.


We do not always accept seniors in second semester who were previously in a traditional public or private school setting.

Please contact the school for special consideration before registering. (see Regarding Seniors section above)


We have a no refund policy so please be sure of your decision before registering.


Required Documents


We require the student’s Birth Certificate and any other records required by your state which may include Vaccine Records or Exemption Form (no longer required in TN), or Parent's diploma or GED (required in SC) These records will be uploaded in your child’s permanent school records after you are registered. If you are transferring from another school these documents should be with your school records already.


We believe vaccinating your children should be your choice and understand there are many different beliefs on the subject. We are providing an exemption form here for your use if you need. These documents go in your school file with us only and are not shared outside of our school without your permission. They will go with your school records if you ever transfer to another school. We take your rights and privacy very seriously and do all that we can to protect your freedoms under the law.


Achievement Testing


   Testing is a way of measuring progress towards some predetermined goal. The goals of a specifically Scripture based education may or may not be in conformity with the goals being measured by national standardized achievement tests. AliYah Academy neither requires nor prohibits the use of achievement tests. Achievement test scores may be a useful aid as part of an overall assessment of the progress of an individual student if used appropriately.  If you desire testing to be part of your homeschool plan we can provide you with that information.


Document Requests


We can take care of all your school document needs. We supply you with the SF-1010 attendance form required for the DMV, a good student/attendance letter if needed for insurance discounts and permission to work letters for employment. Please request documents through your account in the forms and resources section. Allow up to 2 weeks for any request but they are usually processed much sooner. (With the exception of graduation which has a deadline of June 1 and are all done at the same time)

DMV requires that you be registered 30 days before we can issue an SF-1010 attendance form.

Transferring Out


   AliYah Academy is classified by the Tennessee Department of Education as a "Category IV Church-Related School" and is exempt from accreditation requirements per TCA 49-50-801. As such, students transferring to public or accredited private schools may be subject to testing for grade level placement [or to determine what credits will be accepted in the case of a high school student]. If you are ever unhappy with our service or in need of counsel please contact us first so we may assist you before you decide to transfer. We will always respect your decision as we recognize that you know what is best for your family.

The school you are transferring to should request records from us by fax or email. Please do not request a transcript on your account for this purpose.


Most colleges require entrance exams regardless of what type of school you have graduated from.




    All AliYah Academy families have the ability to contact the school with concerns regarding their children’s homeschooling needs. Due to privacy and confidentiality we will not discuss any other family’s children but your own. We take care to maintain the confidentiality of your student records and they will not be disclosed to any third party without the permission of the student's parent or guardian either by written or by verbal consent.


Standards of Behavior


   As a Homeschooler, and a believer in the Word, you are representing the homeschool, Scripture observant, community. What you do in and outside of your home sets an example for all of those watching; therefore, we have a responsibility to be humble, in love, and above reproach in all we do.


As a member of AliYah Academy you will represent our school, therefore, we reserve the right to deny membership if for any reason we feel you would endanger the credibility of the school. Although this decision would be rare, possible reasons could be for arrest record, drop out, or severe truancy cases.


Special Needs


We have a Special Needs Consultant who works with us here at AliYah Academy. Leisa Rogers is a Special Education Major with years of experience both within the public school realm and the homeschooling realm.  She is the mother of 7 children and has homeschooled each of them.   She has successfully graduated all 7 of her children and would love to share and assist you with any needs or concerns you may have. As a member of AliYah Academy she is available for you to contact with any questions or if you need suggestions in homeschooling a child who is having learning difficulties. Request a phone appointment with her through your reporting account. She is also available for brain training, education plans and evaluations at additional costs through her.


Contact Information

We send reminders through email. You can request documents or an appointment to speak with Leisa our special needs advisor through your account.  Call or text us at the school if your contact information changes so that we can always maintain communication with you.


Please call or text the school for counsel, discussions, or questions.


You can find our contact information on the Contact Us page of the website.




AliYah Academy supports local homeschool groups. And although it is not required we encourage you to support your local Homeschool Association, Home School Legal Defense Association and get involved in a homeschool support group near you.


OK, now that you have read the required reading, and if you are ready for an adventure in homeschooling, then you are ready to fill out the membership form. This can ONLY be done by a parent or guardian. NOT a student. Student's can not homeschool themselves and must have the guidance of an adult.

** Use complete and accurate information, full, legal names, correct spelling and capitalization of all information on the form as this is how it will generate on all of your official school documents.

We have a no refund policy.

Thank you for choosing AliYah Academy

You MUST be a parent or guardian to fill out this form.

After payment, it can take 1-2 business days to request any records.

  • AliYah Academy facebook page
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  • AliYah Academy Pins
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  • AliYah Academy youtube channel

Office will be closed for Biblical holidays.

Yom Teruah (Rosh Hashanah) 
Yom Kippur
Sukkot week (Fall break)
Passover/ Unleavened Bread week (Spring break)

For Donations:


Thank you for supporting AliYah Academy.

It is our pleasure to serve you.

AliYah Academy

P.O. Box 1045

Morristown, TN 37816

Phone or Text 865-297-6940

Fax 865-224-3095

For records only:

© 2014-2024 by Yisrael Yachad - AliYah Academy.

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